Over the past 30 years a compelling body of evidence has found that youth resistance training can be safe, effective and worthwhile activity for children provided that the program is well-designed and supervised by qualified professionals.
There is also a compelling body of scientific evidence that supports regular participation in youth resistance training to reinforce positive health and fitness adaptations and sports performance enhancement.
It is also particularly beneficial for sedentary youth who are often unwilling and unable to perform prolonged periods of aerobic exercise, such as overweight or obese children and adolescents. Participation in a formalized training program like the Move Me KIDS gym classes that is inclusive of resistance training can provide an opportunity to improve their muscle strength, enhance motor coordination and gain confidence in their perceived abilities to be physically active.
Although there is no minimum age requirement for participation in a supervised and well-designed youth resistance training program, all participants should have the emotional maturity to accept and follow instructions. Most children are ready for some type of sport participation around 5 to 7 years of age, and this may be a suitable time for participation in a resistance training program that is consistent with each participant’s needs and abilities.
Strength is the staple that holds other fitness components together. That is, without adequate levels of strength fitness, it is unlikely that children will be able to optimize performance gains in other important components of physical fitness.
Moreover, participation in youth programs that enhance muscular strength and fundamental movement skill performance early in life appear to build the foundation for an active lifestyle later in life. Since muscular strength is an essential component of motor skill performance, developing competence and confidence to perform resistance exercise during the growing years may have important long-term implications for health, fitness, and well-being.
At Move Me we are committed to advancing the health and wellbeing of children and families in Kuilsriver. Helping young people learn the importance of being active and the value of a healthy lifestyle is critical to creating a more vibrant community for everyone.